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Lower Dipole CMB
Planck CMB versus CMB Dipole
2022 April 03 - CMB Dipole: Speeding Through the Universe
Testing the Kinematic Interpretation of the CMB Dipole
CMB Physics (J. Chluba)
Cosmic Microwave Background Explained
The "Axis of Evil" in the cosmic microwave background | Unsolved Mystery
The Afterglow of the Big Bang: The Cosmic Microwave Background
Mohamed Rameez: Testing the cosmological principle | Webinar 69
CITA 663: An Uncooperative Universe: Large Scale Anomalies in the CMB
The Huge Cold Spot in The Universe | CMB Cold Spot
Awaiting Impact, CMB Dipole?, More VEI7 Info | S0 News Mar.9.2018